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Admission Practices

The Admission Practices Committee shall be responsible for educating members of the Association on NACACā€™s recommended best ethical and professional practices.

A concern for the ethical treatment of students in the post-secondary admissions processĀ and the awarding of scholarships provided the moving force for the creation of the National Association for College Admission Counseling in 1937. The creation of a Code of Ethics was one of the early actions of members of NACAC. Over the years the Code has been revised and updated many times.Ā NACACā€™s Guide to Ethical Practices in College AdmissionsĀ (GEPCA; approved September 2020) reflects the associationā€™s long-standing commitment to principled conduct among professionals who support students in the college transition process from secondary school to postsecondary education and in the transfer process between postsecondary institutions. Every state and regional affiliate of NACAC has an Admission Practice Committee whose purpose is to educate the membership about the various components ofĀ The Guide.

In order to empower individuals to apply and advocate for ethical practice in college admission, NACAC created a series of dilemmas to use as educational tools. See belowĀ to review the dilemmas with discussion topics, possible approaches, and a reference to the appropriate section inĀ The Guide.


Truthfulness & Transparency

Admissions Dates/Deadlines

Early Decision

Chair: Malika Lindsay, Optima Academy Online (MS)

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