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Continuing Education

NBCC logoThe Southern Association for College Admission Counseling has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6805.  Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. SACAC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Programs typically eligible for continuing education clock hours:

  • Drive-In Workshops (approximately 1-5 clock hours)
  • Annual Conference (approximately 5-8 clock hours)
  • Summer Seminar (approximately 8-9 clock hours)

If you have any questions, contact SACAC’s Executive Assistant at or 803-215-0023.

Awarding Criteria

Clock hour awarding is not guaranteed and must meet specific criteria per the National Board for Certified Counselors, our certification organization.

Session content should be directly and primarily related to one or more of the following areas in order for clock hour awarding to occur (Refer to section G of the Provider Policy for more details):

  • *Counseling Theory / Practice and the Counseling Relationship
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Social and Cultural Foundations (justice) (major societal concerns)
  • Group Dynamics and Counseling
  • *Career Development and Counseling (resources)
  • Assessment
  • Research and Program Evaluation
  • *Counselor Professional Identity and Practice Issues (counselor advocacy) (emerging issues)
  • Wellness and Prevention

* = best content areas for SACAC

At least one presenter per session must meet the credentials outlined in section F of the Provider Policy to qualify for clock hours. In brief, the presenter must:

  • Hold a graduate degree in a mental health field; be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training for the session content to be presented OR
  • Hold a graduate degree directly related to the session content; be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training for the session content to be presented OR
  • Be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training for the session content to be presented

Program/event chairs: Requests for continuing education must be submitted with enough lead time prior to registration opening for your event so that evaluation of your program and presenters can occur. Talk to your direct Board chair or the Executive Assistant for details regarding submitting program materials for continuing education review.

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