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Strategic Plan

Vision Statement:

SACAC strives for excellence and the highest ethical path, binding students and educational professionals in the common cause of postsecondary success.


Mission Statement:

SACAC fosters a collaborative and inclusive network of college admission counseling professionals by promoting ethical responsibility, professional growth, student access, advocacy, and outreach, thus equipping and supporting professionals to help all students realize their postsecondary educational goals.

Strategic Goals & Objective Items

Strategic Goal #1: SACAC will serve as a model affiliate for expertise in college admission counseling

  • Objective 1: Elevate and leverage knowledge, skills, and energy of SACAC members to support college access within our region
  • Objective 2: Develop communication and outreach opportunities to bring the association’s expertise to professional communities beyond our membership
  • Objective 3: Develop and support members for involvement and leadership with NACAC and other national college access organizations
  • Objective 4: Educate members on best practices for ethical college admissions


Strategic Goal #2: SACAC will model equity, inclusivity, and belonging in the connections we foster among our current and prospective members 

  • Objective 1: Examine organizational culture, communications, and policies for opportunities to improve and promote equity, inclusion, and belonging 
  • Objective 2: Develop professional development centered on equity and inclusion at the individual and organizational level
  • Objective 3: Develop interest, affinity, and professional role groups to create community for all members
  • Objective 4: Evaluate membership model options to increase participation within larger institutions and organizations 


Strategic Goal #3: SACAC will empower members through educational opportunities supporting professional and personal growth

  • Objective 1: Review existing and develop new programming for reach to all membership constituencies and priorities
  • Objective 2: Develop a collaborative network of partner organizations with whom SACAC connects to provide educational resources and professional development opportunities
  • Objective 3: Develop more accessible forums and resources for professional growth
  • Objective 4: Develop opportunities to support the mental health of individual members and promote the importance of mental health at the organizational level.


Strategic Goal #4: SACAC will advocate for access to student-centered, post-secondary educational pathways  

    • Objective 1: Partner with regional and national initiatives for sustainable improvement in college access and success
    • Objective 2: Establish and pursue a legislative & state administrative strategy for supporting college access professionals with a specific emphasis on individuals serving public high schools and community-based organizations
    • Objective 3: Elevate and empower SACAC professionals in community college and transfer admissions through communications and professional development opportunities 
    • Objective 4: Promote college affordability education and engage with financial aid reform efforts at the regional and national levels

Strategic Planning Process

The 2022-2027 SACAC Strategic Plan was approved by the SACAC Board of Directors on March 9, 2022. The plan is the culmination of several months of listening and discussion with feedback gathered at multiple SACAC Board meetings, multiple Strategic Planning Committee meetings, a Wall Crawl activity at the 2021 NACAC affiliate meeting in Seattle, six Zoom listening sessions with members, and a November 2021 survey to SACAC membership.

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